Wells criteria pulmonary embolism is based on clinical criteria after several investigations. Thus based on the wells criteria pulmonary embolism is used for developing a prediction rule. But unfortunately the application of the wells criteria pulmonary embolism is complicated at there are multiple versions of this prediction rule.
This rule is useful when tying to predict the likelihood of the appearance of pulmonary embolism in a patient. Some of the common symptoms associated with pulmonary embolism include shortness of breath and chest pain. Since its proposal in the year 1995, the prediction rule according to wells criteria pulmonary embolism has been revised several times. According to the wells prediction rule clinically suspected DVT has been found to be 3 points. Alternative diagnosis is less likely than pulmonary embolism and this has a probability of 3 points.
Tachycardia has been predicted to be 1.5 points while immobilization or surgery gets 1.5 points . Hemoptysis is 1 while when a patient ahs a history of DVT or pulmonary embolism is 1.5 points. The expectancy of a malignancy is 1 pint. Therefore as a result of various versions that are available due to consecutive revisions ,there are many values available . But the latest version has been simplified for further clarity and comprehension. The predictions rule has many applications as it is used in order to predict the incidence of pulmonary embolism according to the patient’s medical history.