Pyelonephritis is caused due to bacterial infection in the renal parenchyma. The pyelonephritis infection can be acute or chronic depending on the extent of damage to the kidneys. Since the infection is caused by bacteria, pyelonephritis treatment includes antibiotics.
The most common course of action for mild form of pyelonephritis treatment is oral antibiotics. But it is preferable to use intravenous antibiotic treatment that belongs to the family of flouroquinolones, trimethoprim and beta lactic antibiotics. In most cases, the clinicians avoid the use of aminoglycosides as they are known to cause toxicity. In case of acute pyelonephritis, the antibiotics are administrated with the intravenous fluids. If the patient is pregnant, the pyelonephritis treatment will involve ampicillin or gentamicin. The use of intravenous fluids is important as it replenishes the body fluids and leads to vasodilatation which facilitates the process of urination.
In case of chronic kidney infections the pyelonephritis treatment may involve analysis for any kind of anomalies in the kidney function. In case of complications surgical intervention is required. There are many home remedies for treatment of kidney infection. The most common pylonephritis treatment involves cranberry juice, probiotic bacteria and blueberry juice.
These fruit juices are known to reduce bacterial infections in the urinary tract as they inhibit the adherence of bacterial cells on the epithelial lining of the urinary tract.