
Dornase alfa

Dornase alfa is the generic designation of recombinant human deoxyribonuclease I,which acts by digesting extracellular DNA, released from dead neutrophils, that are present in increased amounts in Cystic Fibrosis sputum; this decreases the viscoelasticity of the sputum. Hence, it is one important drug used in Cystic fibrosis to make the sputum loose and less sticky, […]

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Antihirudin antibodies develop in 40% to 74% of patients receiving lepirudin after 4 days or more of treatment. Of note, fatal anaphylaxis has been described with lepirudin, particularly in patients who are treated again within 3 months of a previous exposure to this agent. In contrast, argatroban does not appear to be immunogenic. Argatroban is

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