The most common finding in the pulmonary embolism ecg is sinus tachycardia. According to the specialists, unlike common notion, pulmonary embolism ecg may not involve any echocardial anomalies. A typical pulmonary embolism ecg includes, right ventricular ischemia with an incomplete right bundle branch block pattern. This pattern is known as the S1Q3T3 pattern where the S waves in lead 1, Q waves and T wave inversion in lead 3 and the T wave inversion goes into V1 and V3. This report indicates the presence of right ventricular dysfunction in the pulmonary embolism ecg.
It has been found the T inversion in the inferior leads can also lead to pulmonary embolism. A typical pulmonary embolism ecg reveals right axis deviation. This form of the right axis deviation is evident by the S waves on the pulmonary embolism echocardiogram and are in the S1Q3T3 pattern. This means that the S waves are in Lead 1, q waves and t waves are in lead 2 and lead 3 respectively.
This pattern indicates a sign of acute cor pulmonale condition. Therefore when a patient is suffering from any form of the acute cor pulmonale that is caused by PE, PTX, bronchiospam will be showing the pulmonary embolism scan. But the medical clinician will have to rule out the potential life threatening diagnosis such as a myocardial infarction.