Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a complicated necrotizing infection that affects the real parenchyma and it is most commonly found in people affected with diabetes. During this infection there will be excessive gas formation within the renal parenchyma. This condition is known as emphysematous pyelonephritis and the condition is often confused with pyelonephritis.
When emphysematous pyelonephritis is diagnosed in an individual, it will have be treated with aggressive medical management in order to eradicate the disease and reduce associated complication. There are two methods for treatment of the disease. These include the conservative and the surgical method. According to the conservative method percutaneous drainage with antibiotics is the best alternative.
The treatment included class 1 and class 2 emphysematous pyelonephritis .In the case of surgical treatment nephroctomy would be performed. The course of treatment will depend on the choice of the patient. There would be no events of percutaneous drainage of internal stenting after the patient has been stabilized. This condition will treat gas in stomach and there is always a possibility of a bilateral nephrectomy in patients who are showing signs of infection only in the bilateral part of the kidneys. All surgeries may be performed only after the patient shows a stable cardio respiratory function status.