In most cases it has been found that pulmonary edema is associated with various cardiogenic factors. But there are several noncardiogenic pulmonary edema factors like upper airway obstruction, intravenous fluid overload and other neurogenic causes. Various obstructions in the upper airway cause noncardiogenic form of pulmonary edema when there is laryngeal tumor or epiglottis. In such cases, the airway will be obstructed by the tumor and it leads to negative pressure in pulmonary edema.
In the case of infant where there is fluid overload it can be classified as noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. This is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. The infant may require emergency aid in the form of artificial oxygen and diuretic medication. Neurogenic factors also cause noncardiogenic pulmonary edema as they are caused by sympathetic responses in the body. When there are hypothalamic lesions it may stimulate the sympathetic system that causes the noncardiogenic pulmonary edema.
It has been found that various other conditions like seizures, trauma due to brain injury, strangulation and electrical shock may cause death due to noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. When a patient is admitted in the emergency ward with signs and symptoms of non cardiogenci form of pulmonary edema, the focus is on replenishing the oxygen supply by artificial means and the doctor may also prescribe other medicines in order to reduce edema on lungs. It has been found that it is difficult to diagnose most pulmonary edemas that are non cardiogenic in nature.