Author name: Dr Ezzuddin


Enuresis, bed-wetting as we call it, is involuntary passing of urine, especially at night. It is quite normal for infants and small children to wet their beds, but most bed-wetting stops by age of three years. In some children, it may persist into teenage and occasionally into adult life. Excessive water drinking is contributory factor.

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Heimlich manoeuvre

Heimlich manoeuvre is an emergency technique used when food gets stuck in the airways. Choking on food is a common emergency that can cause acute respiratory obstruction. Inadequately chewed food, e.g. a piece of meat or other solid foods like peanuts may be swallowed inadvertently. The usual result is panic, accompanied by the inability to speak, noisy breathing

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Difficult or laboured breathing (dyspnoea) is a common symptom and signifies obstruction to flow of air into and out of lungs in asthma, or disease of the lungs, e.g. emphysema, or a disease of the heart. Dyspnoea at rest has greater significance than the one which appears only on exertion. The severest degree of dyspnoea

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Adolescence is period of teenage child becomes sexually mature adult. Adolescence this slow and gradual process that lasted over two to five years in the early years of puberty. It involves the body changes that occur development of secondary sexual characteristics. In girls, breast development, the hair appears in armpits and pubic area, fat deposition seems to

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Child Accident

Child Accident is a common cause of death and injury in children. Most of these accidents occur at in the house. With a little care, Child Accident can be prevented. However, it should be noted that there is a good idea to completely isolate the children from the danger zone. Of course, exposure to risk should be carefully calculated

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